Social Media House Rules

Social Media Groups whose members are added by the Creator/Administrator

Apostolic Faith Mission International Ministries UK (AFMIM UK Coventry Assembly), registered as a charity in the United Kingdom, is a Christian faith group of churches individually registered as charities with the Charities Commission. In carrying out its purpose and objectives, the organisation uses various tools to communicate to and across members. Such tools include social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Email and other similar applications which permit the aggregation of people’s contact details into a group. Members whose contact details are aggregated into these groups accept this inclusion on the understanding that their details are to be used solely for the purposes of communicating appropriate church-related activities and discussion of church-related matters. It is therefore incumbent upon AFMIMUK and its affiliates to make use of social media platforms as guided below:

  1. Any social media group created for the purpose of communicating or discussion of AFMIM(UK) and its assemblies (church) business or activities must include a named Data Protection Officer. For a local assembly, this could be the Secretary or a Trustee.
  2. Every care must be taken where minors are being added to a group which includes adults. Child protection and safeguarding guidelines and policies must be adhered to as appropriate.
  3. Every member of a social media group created for the purpose of communicating or discussing church business and activities must understand they will not take names and contact details of other members to use for any purpose other than which the group was set up for.
  4. The procedure for reporting any inappropriate use of other people’s contact details must be made clear to all members being added to any social media group.